Sunday, October 08, 2006

Grandma's house . . .

Matthew is upstairs in bed - he has been sick the past 2 days. I just went up to talk to him about our Thanksgiving plans. Warren and I just decided that we would go visit family in UT and ID for Thanksgiving. Then, since this year is our 10 year anniversary the day before Thanksgiving, Warren and I are going to take a little trip to AZ for 4 days and leave our children with our families. Since 4 rambunctious little boys are a tall order for anyone, we decided to split them up. The older two boys are staying in ID with Warren's mom, and the twins will stay in UT with my mom. As I was talking to Matt about this plan he said, "I just love staying with both my grandma's!

At Grandma Julie's:
She has lots of movies,
She tickles me,
She takes us places,
She's nice,
We get to see Grandpa...

But at Grandma G's:
She has that great big garden,
She has those apple trees,
She puts Torani syrup in our milk,
We get to sleep downstairs,
There is a soda machine,
She has horses and cows...

If I had to choose, I really can't decide. I love staying with both my Grandma's so much!"

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