Sunday, September 10, 2006

The building of a testimony

In Primary, the children have the opportunity each week to share an experience that "Likened the scriptures unto themselves."

This week, we had an experience that Matt wanted to share. Since he recently turned 8, he has started fasting. Typically, we fast on the first Sunday of each month, and any other time we feel we need/want to. Matthew was able to fast in both August and September. His Aunt Megan has been terribly ill - she almost died and has been in total kidney failure and on dialysis for the past 6 weeks. They were beginning to search for a kidney donor. So, in August our family, along with extended family and friends of Megan had a massive fast for her health. This was Matthew's first opportunity to fast. In September, Matt also decided to fast for Aunt Megan. This past week, we received a tearful telephone call relaying the miraculous news that, against all odds, Megan's kidney's have regained much of their function. They are putting her on 2 day/week dialysis and in 2 weeks re-evaluating. If her numbers have stayed the same, she gets to come off dialysis and will most likely not need a transplant. When I sat down to dinner with my boys and shared the news, Matthew excitedly pointed out that it was probably because of all of the fasting and prayers on behalf of Megan that she is recovering in such a way. I had to agree. I love to see these types of spiritual experiences in my children's lives. This is the way testimonies are born, and the way they grow. I am so thankful for these moments!

In Primary, Matthew shared a scripture about fasting, and told the story of his Aunt Megan recovering. It was so sweet and he did such a great job! More than one person came up to me afterwards to tell me how impressed they were with my son. I am proud of him, as well!

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